Better You

Peer support for young people

Better You are committed to the challenge to empower, build confidence and give first class support to young adults aged 16-25.  We aim to achieve this by providing activities in health and fitness, creativity, wellbeing, education and life progression. 

We are committed to offering the following:

  • Early intervention & support. 
  • Group work - to reduce social isolation and the forming of positive relationships. 
  • Building emotional resilience & confidence 
  • Activities - empowering young people to make choices and to improve their organisational skills. 
  • Young people are encouraged through their members meetings to plan and arrange the direction of the service. 
  • Budgeting and managing your money.
  • Welfare benefits advice 
  • Advocacy (representing you) at appointments and with written correspondence.
  • Support with referrals to other agencies. 
  • We encourage flexibility in the young people attending so they control the times and days they wish to attend. 
  • Promote cooking and practical life skills. To encourage the young people to participate in planning the weekly menu and shopping order. 
  • We are committed to develop the relationship with our partners, Crises team, Wellness Centre, DWP, Leaving Care Team, CAMHS, YMCS, Probation, South Yorkshire Police, CMHT, RDASH. 
  • The provision of 3 out of hours evening sessions per week 
  • Peer support - we encourage our young people to step up and support new members to settle more quickly into the centre and offer peer support away from the centre through friendship. 
  • The provision of online training and signposting to training and education services. 

Our mission is to provide a permanent safe space for young people to feel valued. A peer led community to support, empower and enhance the lives of young people living with mental health conditions to have the same opportunities in education, careers and leisure activities as any young adult.