Focusing on Health
It's important to pay attention to our health and our wellbeing.

Working in partnership with Wildlings CIC we offer regular sessions to support mental wellbeing through the practice of being in nature to boost healing.
Physical Connection
We have a Community Connector that facilitates Community sessions that are flexible and meet all ages and abilities. These are gentle walks with children, football for all abilities, chair based exercises and street play.
Covid Support
We work in partnership with Public Health and Doncaster CCG. We continue to provide support by accompanying people for vaccinations, helping to bust the myths, supported testing and helping people that have had their mental health impacted through the pandemic.
Mentally Well Alliance
We are active in coproducing solutions with statutory partners. As an example we lead the Mentally Well Alliance to bring all partners together to improve support available to people experiencing ill mental health. We ensure that peoples voices are central at all levels of discussion, planning and delivery. The Community are equal partners in this arena where peers and professionals work alongside each other. We also work as Participation Partners with our Mental Health Trust championing co-production and mainlining real and meaningful opportunities for change and local solutions.
For more information about any of these groups please email Kelly.